Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cold, Rainy, Tuesday

It's quilting day again! Again, I was not productive at quilting (unless you count eating cookies productive) but I was before quilting. I finished piecing the squares I cut out last week! I'm not very good at math apparently because it isn't quite big enough. This is why I love simple patterns so it will be very easy to add a couple more rows. I love how each stage of a quilt makes it look so different. Just by sewing the squares together they look almost like a new project and it changes even more when you quilt it! Maybe I'll get inspired and work on it more before next Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Today I spent way too much time working on a heart model for my bio class. It was fun at first but when paint wouldn't dry and glue wouldn't stick and I didn't plan out how I was going to do everything, it got way less fun. I finally finished it at 1:30am. It should look a lot better than it does considering how much time I put into it. I put a lot of color on it because I know that's what my teacher likes. It can be all wrong but as long as it has color and is creative, he will tell you it is great!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The cabin was wonderful! Games, snow, peach tea, sledding, crocheting, talking, laughing, and a little sleeping.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunny day!

It's time for cabin weekend #2! I'm sitting here rushing to get a post in before we head out over the to the snow. I got back three days ago and am more than ready to go back! We're heading over tonight because it is so nice to wake up and just be at the cabin.
Here's a few pictures I took today! I had a fun little photo shoot with the little boy I babysit today. While he was watching tv I took the time to take a few pictures of all the birds that were hanging around their bird feeder... and the bird seed thief!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's always a bummer going back to school after a really fun weekend, especially when you have a midterm in your first class. Well it was the most amazing midterm ever! I should have expected that since it was in photography. It was 43 multiple choice and fill in the blank questions plus 4 extra credit points and we had an hour to work on it. Just to make it even better I finished a half hour early and had time to go get a chai tea latte! Last but not least we graded each others tests right then and there so there was so anxiously waiting to see how you did. Best test ever!
It's Tuesday so that means quilting night! Two weeks in a row of being productive at quilting! I saw a cute ipad cover on and decided to modify it to fit a laptop. I made up a quilt pattern for the outside of it and got all the squares cut tonight! I'll post a picture of it all finished which will hopefully be soon!
Pretty stack of freshly cut squares!

Ready to sew
And just because I like the picture...
I this it looks really spooky

Monday, February 20, 2012

A weekend full of fun!

This weekend was so much fun! I didn't want to leave but it was a lot easier knowing I am going back for another three days on Thursday. I love the cabin and always hate leaving. It is especially fun in the winter because there is so much snow! I didn't take many pictures because I was too busy having fun! When we got to the cabin it was snowing and snowed the rest of the day. It was beautiful! We spent almost all of out time inside except for a few hours on Saturday when we went sledding. I learned a new game too called Bang! It is so fun and everyone should learn to play it. Even the non-game players in our group loved it! We ate a lot and laughed a lot and talked a lot! Wonderful weekend with wonderful people.
The DJ bear

I got to spend four days with one of my favorite people in the world!

Dean taught Bob (aka: DJ Relic) how to mix. It was awesome. 

Lots and lots of bang! One of my new favorite games!!!

Beautiful snow!

Snow covered trees are one of my favorite things in the world.

We ate like royalty! Chili, french toast, lasagna, crepes, french dip, omelets, sandwiches and TONS of snacks!

Games, games and more games!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 7

Thursdays are my Friday so let's just say hooray for it being Thursday! First of all, I love coming home to this dog. Isn't he the cutest?

I love his wrinkles! 
Today I was productive! I did some serious room cleaning.


 I got rid of a giant bag of clothes (think Ikea's giant blue bags) so hopefully that will help solve the problem of all the clothes living on the floor since they now all fit in my dresser (barely!).
Tomorrow I am headed off to Leavenworth for a snowy weekend with my young adults group! I can't wait for a weekend of food, fun and photos. I made cookies to take! There isn't any "after" pictures because they turned out flat. But I tried one or two or three and they taste yummy! That's all that matters, right?

If I don't get a chance to blog this weekend, i'll be back Monday with lots of pictures to share of the snow!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 6

Today is a lazy day for me! I got up to let the dog i'm watching out but then got back into bed and watched Netflix until noon! After finally getting up and ready I went on a walk with the dog. It's FREEZING today! My fingers froze but at least it was a pretty day!
Kona's favorite thing in the world! Walks!

I like the drippiness of this tree

Five helicopters flew over me and then about a half hour later flew back the other way. Weird.

Bright socks are my favorite!

I like how bright this red tree is! Even without any leaves!

I've been looking at this leaf out on the deck for days now and kept forgetting to take a picture of it! Good thing I remembered before the drops all dried up!
Walks are tiring 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 5 - Happy love day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I hope you all had a day full of people who love you and lots of chocolate!
Ari and Kaia were dressed for the day! Unfortunately, they dirtied these so quickly I didn't get a picture with them on!
Today is also Tuesday which means it's quilting day!
My aunt just made a cute bag with these yarns!
I was super productive at quilting tonight and I was determined to finish my quilt! After YEARS of working on it, it is finally finished! Ta-dah! 

Even though I am long over my orange crazy, I still love this quilt! Maybe it's because it's my first finished, hand-quilted quilt. I think it's fun and I like the randomness of it. 

And last but not least, I thought you should all know....

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 4

I love not having class on Mondays! I look forward to them instead of dreading them! Today I got to go visit my friend in her new house! She told me it was cute but didn't tell me how CUTE it really was! I LOVE IT! They are looking for another room mate and I wish I had a job and it wasn't in Everett so I could move in! I just love it. It's old and has so much character. Their doors even lock with old fashioned keys (not the outside doors, just the rooms!)! It was a fun day full of QFC, ferrets, pizza and How I Met Your Mother! 
Bathroom door & key

Her roomate has two ferrets that are adorable, stinky, and vicious 


The kitchen is so cute and big!

The house has two of these cute little electric stoves!

Valentines cookies!
When we were walking over to QFC I realized that their tree had buds on it! Spring is getting nearer!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 3

Today I got to hang out with little miss Sanna! We had a hot chocolate/tea date and she was a goof the entire time! A couple of my favorite quotes when we were singing the "Grocery Outlet, Bargain Market" jingle: "I heard that song in the car and my boys (her brothers) were singing it." and "That song is so awkward!" Later I found out she meant annoying. Love her and her goofiness!