Sunday, March 11, 2012

Failing at Screen Printing

Today was another sleep in late kind of day except I wasn't very productive. It was my dads birthday so we went out to dinner at Red Robin (Yum!) with my grandparents to celebrate! When we got home I attempted to screen print a shirt for my brothers friend. I don't know what my problem is but I have had the worst time screen printing. (Stephanie, help me!) Oh well, he thinks it looks fine so I guess that is all that matters!
Burning the image

This is the name of their band

Ready to print!


  1. Oh, no! What went wrong? It took me a little bit to get the hang of, too, so don't feel bad :)

  2. When I rinse the photo emulsion out too much always washes out. Am I doing it under the light too long?

  3. I usually have the opposite problem :)
    How long are you leaving it under the lamp? I couldn't tell from the picture, but do you have glass or something over the transparency?

    I Googled the problem of too much photo emulsion washing out and this is what could be causing the problem:
    -Improper mixing of emulsion and sensitizer
    -Tracing paper or film not sufficiently transparent
    -Washout temperature was too high
    -Screen not dry before coating
    -Screen not dry before exposure
