Friday, March 7, 2014

Family Videos

I spent the majority of my day watching family videos from the early 2000's. Here are some observations:

-I am way too excited about lame stocking stuffers (I GOT A HOLE PUNCHER! NYLONS! FLOWER UNDERWEAR (now Kiri these are mine, you can't wear them), NAIL CLIPPERS!)

-It makes sense why Emma ignores us now, we used to say her name literally every second of the day ("Emma answer my question!" "Emma make a funny face!" "Emma what do you have?" "Emma look at me!" "Emma what did you get?" "Emma, Emma, Emma!")

-Me: I got deodorant!
 Andrew: Just what you wanted!
 Kiri: Just what you needed!

-We had a birthday party for Emma's doll. Cake, pass the parcel, presents.

-Emma said super cute things like "I belong in a zoo!" "Pimeytails" (aka ponytails) "I'm putting my presents over here so you don't touch my stuff!"-said by 2 year old Emma

-There is a ten second video of my mom picking her nose

-There is a ten second video of Emma with snot dangling from her nose to chin. After ten second Andrew gets a tissue and wipes it for her.

- Emma couldn't blow out her candles so she tried putting her doll on the lit flame.

-Emma, while Andrew was attacking her: "Sisters! Sisters!"

-If our family videos from 2000 on were made into a movie it would probably be called "Emma and Her Family"

-We used to fight over who could cuddle Emma

-Andrew is really obnoxious when the video camera is on.

-We gave mom a Starbucks card and tumble for Christmas in 2002. Kiri: We bought it with our own money! The cup was $3.95

-Once my mom was in the kitchen grinding coffee. Me: "Mom! I wanted to grind the coffee!" I was obviously destined to be a barista

-Instead of a blindfold while hitting the piƱata, my family just put paper bags over kids heads.

-Emma was like our doll, we dressed her up and put makeup on her when she was a baby.

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